Author Archives for arcade

BZI Announced as an Edison Best New Product Awards Finalist

Published by Comments Off on BZI Announced as an Edison Best New Product Awards Finalist <p>The Edison Best New Product Awards are an annual global competition honoring excellence in innovation. Winning an Edison Award brings<a class="" href="">...</a></p>

Developing Leadership Through A Culture Of Trust And Innovation

Published by Comments Off on Developing Leadership Through A Culture Of Trust And Innovation <p>“Recently, I had the opportunity to share my thoughts on leadership and culture with Forbes. As many of you know,<a class="" href="">...</a></p>
BZI team members in front of a panel table

Mission, Vision, Values

Published by Comments Off on Mission, Vision, Values <p>How do you change an industry and achieve the impossible? At BZI, we are doing just that. Our mission is<a class="" href="">...</a></p>
Man sharpening an axe

Sharpening the Axe

Published by Comments Off on Sharpening the Axe <p>At BZI, we are fortunate to work with some of the world’s largest retailers in building their warehouses. But as<a class="" href="">...</a></p>

BZI’s SteelTech Academy – Investing in Excellence

Published by Comments Off on BZI’s SteelTech Academy – Investing in Excellence <p>At BZI, skill development and safety best-practices are matters of great importance and investment. Four years ago, we created a<a class="" href="">...</a></p>

BZI CEO James Barlow Announced as a 2023 Baldrige Leadership Award Recipient

Published by Comments Off on BZI CEO James Barlow Announced as a 2023 Baldrige Leadership Award Recipient <p>The Baldrige Foundation Awards for Leadership Excellence recognizes leaders who provide ‘exceptionally outstanding support’ of organizational performance excellence in the<a class="" href="">...</a></p>

A Special Holiday Message from BZI

Published by Comments Off on A Special Holiday Message from BZI <p>At BZI, we hold our customers, partners and team members in the highest regard. The holidays bring a special opportunity<a class="" href="">...</a></p>

Highlights from an Incredible Year with an Amazing Team

Published by Comments Off on Highlights from an Incredible Year with an Amazing Team <p>As the end of 2022 approaches, BZI is proud to highlight the amazing milestones and accomplishments achieved by our team.<a class="" href="">...</a></p>

Born from Innovation

Published by Comments Off on Born from Innovation <p>Our CEO, James Barlow, recently spoke at the Cedar City Business & Innovation Center – Innovation Talk Series, where he<a class="" href="">...</a></p>

BZI: Committed to Team, Safety, and Innovation

Published by Comments Off on BZI: Committed to Team, Safety, and Innovation <p>BZI is driven to bringing value to the lives of our team members. We are committed to providing “high-value” employment<a class="" href="">...</a></p>